Angular Motion

How do Linear and Angular Motion Differ?

Angular movement is usually expressed in radians where

1 radian = 57.3° 

Direct vs Eccentric Force

How is Angular Motion Created? an Eccentric Force is applied outside a body. The turning effect of an eccentric force is called, moment of force or -------------------------

TORQUE ( also known as a MOMENT 

Torque Equation

Key Terms to UNDERSTAND before moving on: PUT INTO YOUR OWN WORDS

  • Angular Distance- when a rotating body moves from one position to another, the angular distance through which it moves is equal to the angular path's length
  • Angular Displacement- the angular displacement that a rotating body experience is similar to the angle between the body's initial and final position
  • Angular Speed- angular speed of a rotating body is defined as the rate at which angular distance is covered

Avg. Angular Speed = Total Angular Distance/ Total Time  

  • Angular Velocity- angular velocity of a rotating body is defined as the rate at which angular displacement has occurred

Avg. Angular Velocity = Total Angular Displacement/ Total Time  

Key Terms to UNDERSTAND before moving on: PUT INTO YOUR OWN WORDS

  • Moment of Inertia- Inertia is a body's tendency to resist acceleration

I = mr²


I = Moment of Inertia (kg m²)
m = Mass (kg)
r = Radius (m) (shortest distance from the axis of rotation to the particle)

  • Angular Momentum- also known as SPIN, the velocity of rotation of something around an axis

Angular Momentum = Moment of inertia × Angular velocity

RND Intro to Kinesiology
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