ISP Checklist


PSK4U- Intro to Kinesiology ISP Essay Checklist

Use this checklist as a guide. Check off each item when you are sure the essay has satisfied the criteria. Use the space for notes

  • Does the essay fully and clearly address the question, issue, research?
  • Did I come up with ideas that are unique and interesting?
  • As a whole, does the essay "work"? Does it keep the reader's interest throughout?
  • Does the essay take any creative risks?
  • What is the overarching main idea, theme, or thesis statement?
  • Does all the information I have included relate to my thesis? Is it all necessary? Does it add to my argument, or detract from it?
  • Does each paragraph have a main idea that further develops the overall theme?
  • Are all main ideas supported by details that are concrete, lively, and interesting?
  • Do I stay on task and avoid unnecessary tangents?
  • Is the writer's voice and tone consistent and interesting throughout?
  • Is my tone appropriate to the assignment, subject matter, and the course? Do I sound too informal? Too stuffy? At any point am I condescending or offensive?
  • Does the essay have a definite beginning, middle and conclusion?
  • Are transitions in place between sentences and paragraphs, making for a smooth read?
  • Do all sentences "pull their weight"?
  • Does my paper end with a strong conclusion? Does it relate back to my thesis? Do I have any loose ends? Does it feel finished?
  • Is the essay free of grammatical, spelling, and mechanical errors? Have I spell-checked my paper? Have I proofread it for typos and grammar problems?
  • Do I use proper citations?
  • Have I made it clear which ideas are mine and which come from my sources? 

SEMINAR- Presenting your Paper

* a class at a college or university in which a topic is discussed by a teacher and a small group of students

You have spent some time researching a topic that means a lot to you and we all want to hear about it! We will sit in a group, with treats and simply discuss what led you to your topic, what you discovered and hopefully the group will engage in some discussion about this topic. YOU ARE NOT GRADED ON YOUR SEMINAR!


RND Intro to Kinesiology
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