
Myology is the study of muscles. 

We will further study the structure and function of skeletal muscle. 


  • Types of Muscle Fibre (Slow, Medium & Fast)
  • Muscle Contractions (Isotonic, [Concentric, Eccentric], Isometric, Isokinetic)
  • Action Potential 
  • Muscle Innervation
  • Tension & Twitch 

👍 Excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling:

  • Muscles are Excitable 
  • Muscles Contract

Therefore, from the beginning when an action potential of a motor neuron leads to a contraction of the myofibrils is called Excitation-Contraction [E-C] Coupling.

There may be between hundreds to thousands within any given muscle fibre.

RND Intro to Kinesiology
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